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Firenze, Uffizierna, visit 2004

Uffizi Gallery was built in 1560-1580 and is an office (uffici) for Count Cosimo 1's new Tuscan administration. The architect Vasari was using iron beams create an almost unbroken wall of glass in the top floor. Francesco 1 began in 1581 using this light-filled floors of exhibits of the family's art treasures, they created what is now the world's oldest gallery.
Firenze Uffizi utifrån från floden Firenze Uffizi gränd till museet
Firenze Uffizi utifrån från floden
I thank Signor Marco Fossi and employees at the Uffizi Gallery, the headquarters of the State Museums, for good service and to authorize the visit of the museum.

 Room 15 = Lionardo-room below ....

In Leonardo's birth certificate spelled his first name with an i, as well as in his first autographed drawings by. In two rounds ravaged the French in northern Italy during the Renaissance, also lived and worked Leonardo in France last period of his life and continue painting the Mona Lisa became world famous during the 1900s where it hangs in the Louvre, Paris. The spelling with (e) is essentially an influence from the French (English) and culture to the world. However, I prefer to spell in, Leonardo da Vinci.
Firenze Uffizi utifrån från floden
Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci at the age of 19-20 years (from 1472 to 1475). See Mary at the marble table, it is symmetrical and beautifully utskurit. They turn against you no matter from which side you look at the painting. Read more about the Annunciation.  Read more about the Annunciation.

Firenze Uffizi utifrån från floden Firenze Uffizi utifrån från floden
Leonardo da Vinci room with four of his paintings. The Babtist of Christ, Baptism of Christ painted by Leonardo da Vinci at 18-19 years of age along with Verocchio in his workshop (study period).
Firenze Uffizi utifrån från floden Firenze Uffizi utifrån från floden
Above Adoration of the Magi - Adoration (1481).. The unfinished "Adoration" Here we see clearly the triangular (whose base is the entire board bottom) composition, where Mary with baby Jesus sits in the middle. Mary's head are the two diagonal the center of this picture is an excellent example of how Leonardo based his few paintings.